I heard something today that really fits. Listen to Dr. Crawford Lorrits' message 2-5-09 at www.foundersweek.org under Session Summaries. He gives a lot of reasons why the church is like what you say. He finishes with this verse-II Chronicles 7:14, saying this is what the churches/Christ' bride must do. The standard of integrity I am holding to, I wish all my brothers and sisters walked accordingly. But the vast majority keep hiding their sins, or are spiritually immature. Therein lies the rub and why help from a holy, righteous person is so hard to find.
I heard something today that really fits. Listen to Dr. Crawford Lorrits' message 2-5-09 at www.foundersweek.org under Session Summaries. He gives a lot of reasons why the church is like what you say. He finishes with this verse-II Chronicles 7:14, saying this is what the churches/Christ' bride must do. The standard of integrity I am holding to, I wish all my brothers and sisters walked accordingly. But the vast majority keep hiding their sins, or are spiritually immature. Therein lies the rub and why help from a holy, righteous person is so hard to find.
Posted by: Diane Nagel | Friday, February 06, 2009 at 04:16 AM