Many of you may have heard the wonderful news: Rosie will be leaving ABC's The View whenthe season ends in June. I just have one parting thought for Ro: Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!
If we're lucky maybe Diane Sawyer will join her.
Wouldn't it be a more honest and honorable of you to directly address your issues with Diane Sawyer and the Good Morning America's Monday segment instead of a catty remark?
Posted by: Norm! | Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 01:17 AM
Lighten up, Norm.
Posted by: Mike Ensley | Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 09:40 AM
I didn't see Monday's GMA segment with Diane Sawyer. I don't like her reporting style or her obvious bias against most everything conservative and pro-family. I have heard she gushed over the story of Christine Bakke on Monday, which doesn't surprise me. My post had nothing to do with that, though.
Next time you should ask before you assume. I appreciate you commenting, though.
Posted by: Alan Chambers | Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 10:37 AM
Hey Alan... the question remains open in my mind as to what the Exodus response is to the GMA segment. I can't imagine that the lack of response indicates that Exodus finds the coverage to be well-balanced and accurate, but some folks may read it as such. I trust your statement that you haven't seen (and perhaps don't intend to see) the segment, but it would be disingenuous of any media-savvy non-profit org to suggest they know nothing of the content of national TV coverage about them.
FYI, I thought Diane Sawyer was thoughtful in her opening to the segment. Instead of inaccurately portraying ex-gay organizations as mainstream media often have -- saying they promise to turn gay people into heterosexuals -- she described them as (paraphrasing loosely) working to enable people to emerge changed in some significant fashion.
The segment also gave Exodus credit for growing from 120 to 150 local ministries.
Hope you are well...
Posted by: Steve Boese | Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 11:45 AM
Alan, I have a question, when you mentioned on Exodus site to check the ABC GMA on April 23, where supposedly they would broadcast your interview, did you have any idea about what exactly would be presented, you know, the girl named Christine who experienced exgay ministry, and felt dissatisfied? It's just seems strange why you recommended it, if you knew what that would be about.
Posted by: tcash money | Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 12:11 PM
We worked with GMA producers on the segment. I knew early last week that the story was going to be on Christine Bakke. GMA wanted me to fly to Denver to tape a short clip but I could't make it. They instead used a clip from my interview in 2001 with John Stossel. I knew the night before what clip they were using and exactly what it said.
Hope this helps clear things up. I was glad to point people to the story despite the fact that it was heavily anti-Exodus. I think most people from our perspective saw the bias.
Posted by: Alan Chambers | Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 10:18 PM
An excellent segment! People need to stop wasting their money on "ex gay therapy" so Alan won't be able to afford his fake contacts and makeup - you know, since he's all straight and everything.
"Ex gay therapy" only serves 2 purposes: collecting money, and mentally abusing people.
Oh yeah, and trying to spread violence to kids in school who are either gay or perceived to be gay. Since Chambers goes out of his way to advocate this kind of school abuse, I wonder how he would feel if people targeted his family and encouraged people to abuse them? I think it's rightfully deserved, if you want me to be honest.
Posted by: GayLeftBorg | Sunday, April 29, 2007 at 06:20 PM
Alan, Your the prez of Exodus... please act like it. Pray for Rosie, don't mock her.
Posted by: Disgrunted | Sunday, April 29, 2007 at 08:51 PM
Who's mocking? I am simply thrilled she is going.
Posted by: Alan Chambers | Monday, May 14, 2007 at 10:10 AM