The 'Sheep Study' of 2005 has resurfaced. For those of you who don't recall the 'Sheep Study' don't worry---I barely remember the details. Suffice it to say, some researchers were trying to once again prove that homosexuality is genetic this time based upon a group of rams within the Corvallis herd that " consistently ignore females and bestow all their amorous attentions on members of their own sex". This herd resides at Oregon State University.
Fast forward to 2007. Not only has the study reared its baaaaad self again, there are new questions being raised over whether or not in-utero surgery should be considered to manipulate a gay gene if it were found in a pre-born child.
Pardon me while I take a deep breath and try to remain calm.
First of all, would we even be talking about this if a genetic link to heterosexual pornography had been found? I think not. There has been some credible evidence to support that there is a genetic link to alcoholism. Have we seen any news articles discussing whether or not we should "fix" this problem in-utero? Uh uh.
I am not sure whether or not homosexuality has a genetic link or not. Frankly, I don't care. What I do know is that I can logically look back at my development and understand why I struggled with homosexuality. From my inborn personality traits to how I perceived and responded to the environment in which I was raised, I believe that most of my issues were developmental in nature. Regardless of the roots, I believe that homosexuality is a sinful condition like so many others and my choice, based upon unchosen circumstances and feelings, was to pursue a life that lined up with my faith.
I think that like everything else, homosexuality is multi-causal. To simply pawn it off on genetics invalidates its complexity and my story. To say that it is all developmental might invalidate your story and any sound genetic research that has or is being done. To say that homosexuality is simply caused by a gay demon, in my experience and opinion, is ridiculous.
I was asked this morning if I would have supported my mother's decision to fix any genetic mutation that might have caused homosexuality had she been made aware of the problem before I was born. The answer is no. And, I am sure that is what my mom would have said, too.
In fact, as an almost 41 year old woman mom found out that she was pregnant with her 6th child about the same time she was becoming a grandmother for the 3rd time. My mother's doctor told her that she was too old to go through with her pregnancy and that if she did she would most likely have a mongoloid baby. My mom decided that this was her last pregnancy, she wasn't going to worry for 9 months and that she would love a mongoloid baby as much as a healthy one.
The truth is that we all have to take responsibility for ourselves. When someone realizes that they have same-sex attractions they have to decide what to do about that. Of course, I believe that homosexuality is changeable and I believe, based upon my own story, that it is preventable. But, I don't believe that a pill or surgery or holding someone will provide the results that some hope for---there is no quick fix or formula to changing one's sexuality. Instead, most successful and longterm change occurs when one decides to daily submit their mind, will and emotions to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Some find freedom from feelings and attractions while others simply find freedom from an identity that was incompatible with their faith.
Excellent Mr. Chambers.
Posted by: Randy | Monday, March 12, 2007 at 05:12 PM
I do admire your wisdom. I too have gone through an Exodus Live in program. I unfortunately am still battling AIDS for 24 years. Therefore I cannot make any seminars. However I have just finished a book entled From Sodom ToShalom. Thank you for your service.
Posted by: Harry Jedlicka | Thursday, March 15, 2007 at 06:47 PM
Mongoloid? Wow, you just joined the ranks of Ann Coulter.
Posted by: Robert | Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at 12:29 AM
I simply stated the terminology that my mother's doctor used. She was told she would have a mongoloid baby. I didn't call anyone that.
Posted by: Alan Chambers | Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at 02:44 PM