The future of our nation is at stake. We are on the verge of electing the next President of the United States and, of the two viable candidates, I wholeheartedly believe that one represents good and the other, evil.
Of course, all you have to do is look at my blog to see which I think is good. President George W. Bush is one of the most vocally moral Presidents we've had since the early days of our nation when our government officials were overtly and unabashedly Christian! Thank God we are getting back to our roots.
Just as obvious as my choice for President is the evidence that Kerry and the liberal elitists running the Democratic Party are evil to the core.
Case in point, last Tuesday in Orlando protestors from the AFL-CIO (a Demon-rat stronghold) broke into a Bush/Cheney campaign office injuring a volunteer in a violent rampage that ended in their arrest. See Orlando's Local 6 news site for more on this unbelievable story. Also see for a rundown of other Bush/Cheney offices ransacked, attacked or targeted by Kerry's goons.
As if rampant lawlessness isn't enough, simple thievery has also become the norm for Kerry and his minions. Yesterday I filed a complaint with the Orlando Police Department after a Bush/Cheney sign was stolen from my yard. What sent me over the edge was that this was the SECOND time in 10 days that a Bush/Cheney sign was stolen from in front of my house.
Now, I concede that the Republican party and it's people are not perfect, however it wasn't aides from the Bush/Quayle Whitehouse that trashed their offices when they turned it over to the Clinton Administration or removed all of the W's from the computer keypads.
I think the good people within the Democratic party--the ones who probably do not realize how evil their current party leaders and policies are--need to rise up and look at what they are about to elect and realize the type of people that have invaded their once respectable political party.
I pray that the people of America come to understand within the next month that their pocket books matter far less than the soul of our great nation. If the people trying hardest to get Kerry elected are common thieves, vigilantes, anti-Christian and anti-creation, then what is our country going to look like when their chosen one takes over?
We are on the verge of much better or catastrophically worse!