The old saying is true; time flies when you're having fun or at least when you're really busy. Honestly, I am having fun. I am hard at work spreading the good news about Jesus Christ and His awesome ability to transform the human hearts and minds of those that are willing! Over the past two months I have either received invitations to speak or actually spoken to numerous local, state and federal legislators, judges and judiciary committees about the good news of change.
During the week of March 15 I had the amazing opportunity to represent thousands of former homosexuals in Washington, DC when I applauded and affirmed Representative Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO) for her boldness in introducing and continuing to fight for the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA). When I stood up to thank Congresswoman Musgrave in the Willard Hotel ballroom before a capacity crowd I did so by first sharing this statement:
Fourteen years ago I turned 18, graduated high school and decided to act on my unchosen homosexual feelings. However, today I stand before you representing tens of thousands of men and women who have successfully left homosexuality.
I no more than got that out when to my astonishment, everyone leapt to their feet and gave me a thunderous standing ovation. Seriously, old ladies were crying, people were cheering and others still coming over to affirm me. It was then that I visibly saw that the true heart of the Body of Christ, one of great compassion, warmth and love. I then went on to say:
Thank you, Congresswoman Musgrave, for your dedication to the family and to the millions of young people who are looking for clear direction from their leaders on this issue. I am thrilled that the destructive choice of same-sex marriage was unavailable to me in my youth and I stand with you in the fight to keep it that way for the young people of today and tomorrow. God bless you.
During that same trip I was honored to meet House Majority Tom DeLay (R-TX) and numerous members of the Bush Administration. Additionally, It was a great privelege to meet so many state legislators, including Representative Phil Travis (D) of Massachusetts who has tirelessly fought in his state for the preservation of the only marriage that is valid: one man, one woman, one lifetime.
In mid April I am off to debate the legalities of same-sex marriage at UC Berkely. In May I will be back in the nation's capital for the National Day of Prayer and more work on the Federal Marriage Amendment Project.