Alan Chambers Testifies Before the Massachusetts Judiciary Committee
Honorable Co-Chairs and Members of the Massachusetts Judiciary Committee:
My name is Alan Chambers. I am an independence loving and voting citizen of the United States of America. I am a lover of freedom and a defender to the death of every person's God created right to choose for themselves what kind of life they desire to lead, liberties they strive to take and happiness's they yearn to pursue. It is every individual's right to govern themselves in a manner in which they best see fit. Making right and wrong choices is a developmental part of becoming a responsible adult able to think for oneself.
A wise friend once said that rules are for babies; mature adults are able to moderate themselves. The United States of America is becoming a nation of court mandated do's and don'ts. Our culture is redefining right and wrong based on these new directives. As we come to rely on and live by these new rules, Americans are digressing in their maturity and ability to assume personal responsibility. Forcing every big and small battle into the courts is creating an increasingly childish society dependent on the court to parent us. We are signing away our God given freedom to choose, a right that our forefathers died to give us. Maturity is most tangibly seen when, although we have been empowered by God with the freedom to choose to do anything we please, we live by a code of self-governed restraint.
As you all know, Goodridge v. the Massachusetts Department of Public Health is a case before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in which 7 same sex couples are demanding marriage licenses. That court's response to this case will either continue to whittle away our freedoms or strengthen them; contribute to our cultural need for a baby sitter or empower us to live within the already sufficient set of boundaries that has defined marriage since the beginning of time. I hope that the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court will deny these 7 couples marriage licenses thus guarding this state, and quite possibly our entire nation, against frivolous lawsuits, which ultimately restrict our overall freedoms. These couples have every right to be together, but their behavioral, not genetic, choices should not be allowed to infringe on society as a whole.
Today, I exhort you: vote in favor of the Marriage Affirmation and Protection Amendment; reaffirm what every culture in history has held sacred: marriage between one man and one woman. A vote in favor of this amendment is a public declaration in support of the bedrock of this great nation. A vote against this amendment is a bullet fired at the family. Corporately, you have the ability to head off a decision that could forever negatively alter the hallowed and deified uniting of one man and one woman by redefining holy matrimony. I urge you to uphold what is moral, legal and right and what honors those leaders who have gone before you.
Finally, having grown up with a homosexual orientation, having lived as an openly gay man, I once dreamed of living in a monogamous same sex marriage relationship. Today, having experienced sexual reorientation, now living a heterosexual lifestyle for the past 11 years and enjoying the bonds of heterosexual marriage for over 5 years, I can attest firsthand to the fact that same-sex marriage is not needed. I can also attest to the fact that same-sex marriage is not what those seeking it are ultimately after. I implore you all to ask yourselves the question, "What's next?" If marriage is redefined to include homosexuals, then what will the next battle be? I guarantee this is only the beginning of wide sweeping legislation changes that seek to limit the freedoms of many in the name of expanding the freedoms of a few. No other behaviorally defined group in history has sought to redefine our culture like the Gay and Lesbian Elite. Re-affirm today that our current freedoms are sufficient for all, that Gay and Lesbian people already have the God created right to choose for themselves what kind of life they desire to lead, liberties they strive to take and happiness's they yearn to pursue. Re-affirm that more rules are not necessary and that the morality of a few is not enough to redefine morality for us all.
Vote yes to protecting the children of today. Vote yes to protecting children of tomorrow. Vote yes to protecting the family. Vote yes on the Marriage Affirmation and Protection Amendment.