Dear Ms. Chinlund (Ombusdman for The Boston Globe):
My name is Alan Chambers and I used to be gay. It is because of my great interest in the education of young people on the subject of healthy sexuality that I am writing you today regarding the article 'HOPE FOR THE FUTURE' WITH THE RIGHT TO MARRY IN THE BALANCE, GAY TEENS DREAM OF A WEDDING DAY. Within the article there were many factual discrepensies that I would like for you and the Globe to address.
First of all, I find it incredible that the Boston Globe is promoting teenage marriage. A 16 year old boy is barely able to committ to Friday night plans let alone a life partner. I highly doubt that this subject would have been broached if Patrick was interested in marrying a 16 year old girl. No one in their right mind would encourage high school students to marry at such a young, emotional and underdeveloped age. However, there is a double standard when it comes to the relentless promotion of all things homosexual. Because Patrick wants to marry another boy marriage is all of a sudden okay for those underage. How can the Globe logically argue in favor of high school students getting married? Why not encourage post high-school education, continued physical and emotional maturation, settling into a career and other life skills that will encourage healthy personal and societal growth? Don’t you know that those who marry in high school are less likely to finish their education, almost guaranteed not to go to college and more apt to ask society to foot their bill via welfare programs? Don’t you know that those who marry very young are at greater risk for divorce because they were too young to make an informed decision?
As for the fact that this was a pro-homosexual marriage piece, I found the article devoid of responsibility and wise counsel for young people in need of life-giving advice and direction. The statistics are alarming: the number one killer of gay men is still AIDS related illness. One of the highest rates of HIV infection is in gay young men between the ages of 16 – 25. With monogamous gay relationships lasting, on average, 2 months you have just encouraged two minors to marry one another when they will likely be divorced within a year only to repeat the viscious and emotionally destructive cycle again.
The Boston Globe has a responsibility to print the facts and this article was seriously lacking where facts are concerned. How about reporting that no study has ever been successful in linking homosexuality to genetic or biological factors. How about quoting Dr. Dean Hamer, a gay researcher, who conducted the infamous study on chromosomes and later stated that it was his finding that female homoxexuality was 100% developmental and that it was his belief that this would be proven to be the case with male homosexuality, as well. How about promoting more study, research and open dialogue concerning the emotional, medical and psychological facts concerning homosexuality. How about presenting the truth that tens of thousands of men and women have successfully changed their sexual orientation and that teaching any thing less than further education and sexual maturity among teenagers is wreckless and life threatening.
Don’t make furthering a politcal agenda more important than the lives of young people.
Alan Chambers