I sincerely want to thank all of those who have commented on my posts--whether you were supportive of my opinions or opposed to them. I believe in free speech. However, believing in free speech doesn't mean that I want to be a billboard for that speech, which the commenting system on this blog was beginning to become.
Most everyone who posted comments have their own blogs or know of people that do. I am sure that my posts will continue to show up on my dissenter's blogs and that there will be an ability to comment, which will allow me to read what you think while not having to worry about what websites are being linked to, who is and isn't behaving themselves (Christian, homosexual or former homosexual) and checking to see what comments are on the site on a daily basis.
Quite frankly, I have a life. I work Monday thru Friday from 9 to 5 and then I leave work and I don't think about it. I don't check my blog in the evenings or on weekends or over holidays and I don't want to start now. So....comments are now closed, at least here.
Really, thanks for being my guinea pigs and helping me to decide what kind of blog I want to have. I truly look forward to seeing what you all have to say about my radical right wing religious right conspirator opinions on other sites.
Thanks for the memories.