Unfortunately, George Orwell might have been prophetic--his book, Animal Farm, sure reads like a modern day interpretation of life in the politically correct new millennium. After all, it seems that some animals have become more equal than others.
Case in point, in a media interview this past November an Anglican Bishop (see Catholic World News article below) happened to share his personal opinion that homosexuals can change their sexual orientation and found himself at Cheshire Police Headquarters being interrogated about his violation of a 1986 Hate Speech Law. His opinion was steeped in biblical, historical and modern day fact as there is 2,000 year old evidence that homosexuals can and have changed. I Corinthians 6:9-11 gives an account of this saying first that a number of sinful people groups won't inherit the Kingdom of God; the passage goes on to give the good news that all of those groups had hope because change was possible and had actually happened for some. Additionally, there is NO refuting the personal story of people like me who once were gay but are no longer.
We are living in a time when simply believing that homosexuality is sinful can land you in jail. Indeed, there is a different set of rules for those who criticize homosexuals--even the Ku Klux Klan (a true hate group) can openly demonstrate and speak out against black people and get away with it--after all that is freedom of speech. However, exercise that same freedom and simply state that homosexuality is a sin and can be changed and you will find yourself publicly whipped and possibly even jailed.
Of course, it isn't illegal---YET--to speak out against homosexuality in this country, but there is a precedent for abuse if you dare to even think negatively about the issue of homosexuality or homosexual people. The media, many in the gay community and liberal politicians showed us what can and will be done to anyone who offers anything other than praise for homosexuality when they viciously and wrongly victimized Dr. Laura for sharing her thoughts on why homosexuals are not sexually attracted to the opposite sex. Dr. Laura simply said, "...it is a biological error that inhibits you from relating normally to the opposite sex" (Bruce, The New Thought Police). She didn't call anyone a biological error as so many claimed, she called the inability to relate sexually to the opposite sex the error. But, a smear campaign is never based on all the facts--not even ones waged on gay and lesbian people.
We are living in dangerous times. We have left the terrible days when gay and lesbian people were dehumanized, misunderstood and ridiculed only to enter a day where the oppressed have become the oppressor. There is a balance but I wholeheartedly believe the majority wouldn't like it--someone always has to have the upper hand.